Category Archives: Customer Questions

Ask Torsen: Using a Mini-Spare Tire

Ed Smalley wrote into Torsen to ask:


My 2018 Ford Mustang GT350 has an OE Torsen® differential and I would like to know if using a mini spare tire is possible. The original tire diameter is 27.4″ and the spare tire diameter is 27.7″. What say you?

Ed Smalley


Thanks for contacting Torsen.  Our products have been used in vehicles that have had a mini-spare tire that was as much as a 25% difference in diameter smaller than the main tire.  If kept to the operational restrictions (speed and distance), this falls within what the differential can handle.  In the case of a tire that’s only about a ¼” difference in size, it is a relative non-issue – for the Torsen differential.

I cannot say, however, if Ford has other considerations that prevented them from packaging the spare with the cars that come equipped with a Torsen.  I believe fitment of the spare wheel over the brake calipers is part of that.  So bear that in mind as well.


JTEKT Torsen North America, Inc.

Ask Torsen: Torque Bias Ratio Functional Questions

Today’s Ask Torsen entry comes to us by email from HMMWV owner Adam.  He asks:


I have been reviewing how the Torsen T-1 front and rear differential functions off road. I myself have the differential in my ’94 Humvee.  My confusion in the diff comes from the Torque Biasing Ratio and what exactly is meant by a 4.5:1 ratio. I have read that it is the amount of torque that the diff can handle and still remained locked

I’ll [phrase] my question [as] a scenario:

One wheel is on a low traction surface I.E. a wet rock. The other wheel is on a high traction surface.  Let’s say the first wheel is getting 100 units of torque and the other wheel is getting 450 units of torque.

What exactly happens when the wheel with high traction starts to exceed 450 units of torque? Does the diff become an open diff and lose all of its locking abilities?  If the wheel that exceeded 450 units of torque is now getting 500 units of torque, what exactly is the output?  None?  OR can the diff simply not accommodate the extra torque so even though I may be sending 600 units of torque in, the diff is only sending 100 units one way and 450 units the other way? And then the diff itself is absorbing the extra 50 lb-ft?

I’m inquiring because I was talking to a person about air lockers and how technically their TBR is infinity:1 which means that the Torsen can’t compare because it can’t theoretically send infinite torque to the high traction wheel?

On a side note, how does the differential ring gear ratio interact with the TBR? The input torque is multiplied by the ring gear ratio then divided by the TBR, correct?




Thanks for contacting Torsen.  The simplest way to conceptualize torque bias ratio (TBR) is to think of it as a traction ratio.  This represents how much difference is allowed from one side to the other; if the TBR level is exceeded, the differential will “open” and allow spin or differentiation to occur.  If the ratio of traction from one side to the other is less than the TBR, the differential will remain locked up. For example, if the TBR is 4:1, differentiation (or spin) will not happen unless your low-traction tire has less than a ¼ of the traction that the high-traction tire has.

Limited slip differentials (LSDs), like Torsen, operate by generating friction internally while under load.  That friction provides resistance to the tendency for one tire to slip.  Different types of LSDs do this in different manners; traditional “posi” units do so with clutches.  Helical gear differentials (like Torsen) do so by creating friction using forces generated by their gears.  A differential’s TBR rating is a product of how much friction is created inside.

Another way to think about TBR is this: it also represents the maximum distribution ratio of torque from side to side.  This ties into your locker question; the simple formula is that the high traction tire receives (up to) whatever amount the low-traction side can sustain, multiplied by TBR.  So, T(high) = T(low) X TBR.  This does necessarily mean that the Torsen requires some amount of reaction torque on both outputs to be able to act against.  This is typically the result of tire contact with the ground.

You probably see by now that in extreme situations, such as when a tire is lifted off the ground completely, that zero X TBR is still = zero.  So, yes, in that case, the Torsen is limited.  But that is why the product is classified as a limited slip differential.  However, keep in mind that I said that the Torsen requires some reaction load on both sides to work against.  Though that typically is tire traction reaction, that is not the only means of providing a reaction torque; it can quite readily come from the brake system.  The vehicle’s brakes are quite capable of providing negative torque to the axle for the differential to work against.  In fact, the military at least used to train HMMWV drivers to use a technique called brake modulation to do exactly that (though I don’t know if that’s still the practice).

Conversely, in order to prevent an extreme situation, such as lifting a tire, from causing a complete lack of traction, the vehicle would need to have an actual locking differential.  Lockers have, as your friend stated, essentially an infinite:1 TBR.  They are capable of sending 100% of available torque to either tire.  Instead of creating internal friction to resist slip, lockers usually have some sort of element that provides a direct, physical impediment to slip.  This can be engaging a spline or a dog clutch, or maybe use of a ratcheting one-way clutch to drive.  With that said, there are a lot of other compromises that come with a locking differential, such as compromising vehicle maneuverability.

Regarding final drive ratio, it doesn’t really have any bearing on TBR.  The ring and pinion impacts how much the prop shaft torque is multiplied by when it is applied to the differential, but that’s its only real involvement.

So, regarding your example – I’ll take you through a few scenarios so you can see the torque interaction at play.  Your differential has a TBR of 4.5:1, and we’ll say there is potentially 200 lb-ft of torque coming out of your transmission & transfer case on the rear prop shaft.  For this example, the axle has a 3:1 ring & pinion ratio.  So, that can represent where the 600 lb-ft you used comes from.

Scenario 1) Now, if both tires can sustain 300 lb-ft of torque (each) before breaking loose, the differential takes the 600 lb-ft and divides it to each side evenly, without any differentiation occurring.  So, 300 lb-ft is delivered to each tire (I’m ignoring the HMMWV’s hub reduction gearing here).  In this case, both tires are maximized in terms of traction, but are just shy of their slipping point.

Scenario 2) If, instead, both tires can handle 450 lb-ft before they slip, the torque distribution is still going to be essentially 50/50, with 300 lb-ft going to both sides.  The difference is that the tires are comfortably below their slip limits.

Scenario 3) This time, one tire (from scenario 2) suddenly encounters a drop in traction and falls off to, say, 150 lb-ft, the Torsen will immediately take that 150 and try to multiply by its TBR.  This could allow the differential to send up to 675 lb-ft to the high-traction tire – if there was enough torque going to the axle to support that.  But in this case there isn’t, since we only have 600 lb-ft total, so only 450 are available to send to the high-traction side.   Coincidentally, we said that 450 lb-ft was the tire’s traction limit, so again we’re maximizing the traction of both tires and no differentiation has occurred.

Scenario 4) Now, let’s say that farther down the trail, a tire encounters another low traction spot.  This time, the tire traction will only support 100 lb-ft of torque.  Again, the differential will immediately bias torque to the high traction side, within its TBR limits.  So, the low-traction side only receives 100-lb-ft, and the differential again multiplies that and delivers 450 lb-ft to the high-traction side.  Again, the high-traction tire is receiving its maximum torque before it would slip.  However, as you noted, 450 + 100 = 550.  So, where is the missing 50 lb-ft?

The answer to that, and what follows, is up to the driver.  If you happened to notice that the trail was slippery in spots after going through scenario #3, maybe you backed off of the throttle a little bit and allowed the torque going to the axle to drop a little.  In which case, maybe the torque is reduced down to (or below) the new 550 lb-ft threshold.  If so, again, the tires are traction maximized and the truck carries on.  No slippage or differentiation has occurred.

On the other hand, if you stayed on the throttle right through it – and this gets to the heart of your question – it becomes a different story.  Torque, like other areas of physics, is based on having an equal and opposite reaction.  The axle’s total traction limit remains 550 lb-ft.  Consequently, the torque load going into the axle cannot exceed the traction that supports it.  So, that extra 50 lb-ft disappears, or more specifically it ceases to exist.  The system torque drops, at least until traction is regained and all is right with the world.

If you continue to try to add more power at that point, you will basically turn the excess power into wheel spin.  Differentiation occurs, and if the resulting unloading is sufficient to let the engine rev up, it turns to excessive tire spin.  However, even while that is happening, the Torsen is still sending 450 lb-ft to the high-traction side, as long as the low-traction side can still manage its 100 lb-ft.  So, you still move forward.

Scenario 5) This time, you actually lift a tire off of the ground, maybe while traversing a ditch.  As we said above, a tire in the air can support zero torque, and zero multiplied by 4.5 still equals zero.  But here, you can apply a little bit of pressure to the brake pedal, so you generate a brake load of, say, 100 lb-ft.  The Torsen works off of the brake load just like it would a traction load, and then Scenario 4 is essentially repeated.  This time, though, because you have your foot on the brake, you’re not as likely to spin up the low-traction tire.

Scenario 6) In one last situation, let’s say that scenario #3 is repeated, except this time, the high-traction tire has a limit of only 400 lb-ft before it slips.  Again, the Torsen would want to send up to 450 lb-ft to it, but that exceeds the tire’s traction ability.  This time, if you stay on the gas, you run the risk of causing both tires to break traction and spin.  In this case, both tires are potentially going to be overpowered.  The differential is still working to try to balance the torque load to the tires’ traction limitations, but unless you reduce driveline torque, you cause both to saturate and break free.

Ultimately, everything comes down to tire traction.  Torsen works to try to maximize the tires’ effectiveness up to the point where slip begins, though it does have some limitations.  I know that’s a fairly lengthy answer to what probably seems like a basic question, but it’s important to understand the different situations that could occur in order to explain what happens in one specific one.

Ask Torsen: More about Lubrication

Today’s question was sent by Bastiaan:

I have a question for my car Honda s2000. It has a torsen rear differential, rear wheel drive.
There is much discussion online about which oil to use.

Options are: 75w90, 80w90, 75w140. Some can be found in mineral and some in synthetic.

I dont know if you are just a company that produces torsen differentials, or if you guys are THE torsen manufacturer and original.

Anyway, can you recoomend me between the different oils for my car? It’s a daily driver, sporty drive style, not tracking.

Please let me know what would be the best option.

thanks much appreciated!

kind regards


Thank you for contacting Torsen.  Note that we are Torsen with a capital “T”; Torsen is our brand name and our trademark.  No other companies can use the name “Torsen” legally.

With regards to you lubrication question – the short answer is it doesn’t make much difference to the differential.  Ultimately, it’s a question for the axle manufacturer.  What I mean is, the differential operates as just one component in a larger system, a system that shares lubricant.  The axle assembly that contains the differential also contains other significant components to which proper lubrication is equally (or more) important.  Helical gear differentials like the Torsen that came in your car can actually operate in wide range of fluids and are not particularly fussy about it, so long as the lubricant is of a good quality.  They will operate just fine in all of the oil weights that you’ve mentioned.  On the other hand, the ring gear and the pinion gear that drives it are extremely fussy about correct lubrication.  So are the bearings and oil seals, though most people don’t consider them.

A lot of people ask the same basic question – what lube does the Torsen need?  Basically, I have to point out that this is not the correct question to ask, for the reasons mentioned before.  What you need to ask is “what oil does my ring & pinion gearing need?”  That is what you should be concerned with, as the differential itself doesn’t really care.  You’ll need to ask the gear manufacturer that.  If you are using the production ring & pinion gears, that information should be included in your owner’s manual, or available from the dealer.


JTEKT Torsen North America, Inc.

Ask Torsen: Oil Choice Questions

Brian D wrote to us inquiring about oil options in a high-performance application:

Hello Torsen!

I have a 2017 Mustang GT Performance Pack car with Torsen 3.73s. I have added a Paxton Supercharger and will be occasionally taking it to the drag strip.

Due to the vast amount of opinions on the internet I figured best to ask you.

Two questions.

  1. What weight oil would be suggested

75/90 or 75/140?

  1. Should I add a fiction modifier to the oil as well?

I appreciate any feedback back

Thank you



Thanks for contacting Torsen.  Normally, I’d tell people to stick with the OEM recommendation, since the differential is not the only (or most important) component dependent on that lube.  In this case, the application is a little removed from a stock situation.  Ford uses their own 75W85 oil with friction modifier from the factory.  They mainly do this to reduce oil windage drag load in the axle, though it comes with a slight penalty of the quality of lubrication it provides.  Previously, they used 75W140 for anything that was high torque or severe duty.

Typically, heavier oil weights provide better protection since they leave a heaver film of oil on parts.  This provides better lubrication, it also can provide better shock protection.  It is worth noting, however, that the heavier the oil film is, the more it will reduce locking effect (or torque bias ratio) of the differential.  Essentially, anything that reduces friction in the diff reduces its locking characteristic.  Between 75W90 and 75W140, you probably won’t know the difference.  But in applications (like FWD cars) that run in ATF, the difference is notable.  Also, heavier weight oils typically absorb and handle high heat better before breaking down.  With all of that in mind, I would personally use the 75W140.

With regards to friction modifier, it is there for NVH reasons.  Limited slip differentials – even helical gear designs like Torsen – can make assorted noises in tight turns with low to moderate loads.  Clutch diffs chatter, gear diffs squeak or moan.  Modifier usually fixes these noises because it helps manage the frictional transition between static and dynamic modes.  But in doing this, it does reduce the overall friction in the differential.  As I said above, this has bearing on the differential’s performance as a result.  In some cases, it can reduce the locking effect as much as 10%.  For normal street cars, this is worth the tradeoff.  For you, it may not be.  However, you always have the option of adding modifier to the lube later on if needed.

I hope this helps.

JTEKT Torsen North America, Inc.

Ask Torsen: Differential Contribution to Axle Temp

This question comes by way of forum user Brent Dalton.  This came from a discussion regarding managing axle temperature on the S550 Mustang and preventing overheating of the axle during track use.  For reference, 2016 and newer Mustang GT models with the Performance Pack (PP) option (which includes a Torsen® differential) have a temperature sensor on the rear axle cover to monitor axle temperature and warn the driver if temps become high.


Originally Posted by Brent Dalton

…So it’s only really on 3.73 torsen diffs… so it makes some of us wonder… is it overheating due to the torsen and the regular type diff’s don’t suffer the same? A few guys … are working on the answer.


This is a worthwhile question, especially as more people take these cars on track day events.  A couple of comments – all limited slip differentials (LSD) are friction devices. The higher the TBR/locking effect is, the more friction it generates.  So, the Torsen® in this car – with a TBR of around 2.8:1 (versus 1.8:1 for base clutch plate LSD) – does create more friction than the base differential does.  However, with all of that said, friction only creates heat when you force slippage of the friction surfaces under high (torque) load.  I think that if you could actually watch wheel speeds during track events, you’d be surprised by how little differentiation occurs, at least under load.  At that TBR level, the Torsen® isn’t allowing the wheels to change speed much, even if it continues to bias torque side to side as warranted by traction conditions.  In general, in track use under high torque loads, the TBR level is sufficient to prevent most differentiation.  If you have a plug-in device that’s interacting with the vehicle CAN by way of the OBD2 port, see if you can monitor the rear wheel speed sensors and see what actually goes on during a hot lap.  You might find it interesting.

Anyway, the differentiation level is low, and even when it does, the differential rate (referred to as delta-N) is also quite low – on the order of 15-20 RPM difference from side to side.  So the frictional heating component that the differential contributes to the axle oil is pretty low, in relation to the system as a whole.  You get a lot more heat generated by the ring and pinion due to the hypoid mesh, which is running constantly, and at much higher speeds than the differential gears operate at.  Past that, most of the heat probably comes from external sources – like the proximity of the exhaust, which passes quite close to the axle carrier on this car.  Combine that with the fairly small volume of oil available to absorb heat, and you get the situation you’re in.

In my opinion, likely the biggest reason that Ford monitors axle temp on Performance Pack cars isn’t because the Torsen® creates more heat, but rather because they see a greater need to pay attention to axle temp on those cars, due to the perceived (track) usage.  I expect that in their minds, the non-PP GT models are much less likely to be on the track, so they (Ford) doesn’t need to spend the extra couple of bucks to fit those cars with the sensor.  It isn’t that the non-PP axle is likely to run cooler, but instead they are less likely to be in a situation where excessive heat is generated.

Ask Torsen: Type-2 vs. T-2R

Today’s Ask Torsen question comes to us by email from James Stapleton.  He asks:

(I) Have seen where you’ve stated that a T-2 might be better suited for open tracking than the T-2R.  I do both open track and autocross currently on Michelin Pilot Super Sport tires, and maybe changing to a 200 treadwear type tire in the near future.  Thoughts?

Well James, that’s a great question – and one we’ve been asked a lot over the years.  However, it is highly dependent on a number of things: chassis set up, track conditions and degree of technicality, even driver preference, so there is no singular hard and fast answer.  The basic essence of the answer, though, is that it’s a matter of what trade-off is best for the situation in question.

As a limited slip differential becomes more aggressive – with a greater degree of lockup (or torque bias ratio) – it has greater resistance to differentiation.  This has two influences on the car in the context of what we’re talking about here.  First, it affords better resistance to wheel spin, which of course means that the driver can apply more throttle and accelerate faster.  Second, it has greater resistance to steer input, at least during turn-in and initial corner exit, because by resisting differentiation, it is also resisting the car’s need to rotate and change direction.

This initial understeer is somewhat mitigated, at corner exit, by resisting inside wheelspin.  In so doing, more torque is allowed to go to the outside tire once the inside tire reaches its traction limit than would otherwise be the case.  That, in turn, has the effect of generating an understeer-canceling yaw moment on the chassis, serving to actually drive out of the corner with greater authority.  But you have to overcome initial understeer to get to that point.  This effect is described in more detail elsewhere on this blog.

To boil that all down to the nuts and bolts of the matter, higher TBR can make the car “push” some in a corner, but allows a great deal of corner-exit traction.  Lower TBR, on the other hand, can be more neutral-feeling, but potentially lack sufficient traction to prevent inside spin.  So, as with any aspect of chassis set-up, it’s a trade-off.  Cars with lower torque output (such as a Miata or BRZ) can be comfortable with a lower TBR because they favor nimble response and don’t have the torque to overwhelm the tires.  Big-bore cars with big torque output may need the higher TBR of a T-2R model.

However, as noted above, venue plays into it as well.  A track that is fast and flowing will probably favor the lower TBR of the standard Type-2.  With less dynamic weight transfer in a corner, you don’t need to compromise handling balance based on corner-exit traction.  The lower dynamic weight transfer means the inside tire doesn’t become unloaded and loose traction as readily.  But a smaller, more technical course – especially in autocross – may force you into a more aggressive differential due to tight corners and high weight transfer.  There is a much greater potential to lift an inside tire off the pavement.  Frankly, the T-2R owes its existence to autocross.  It was due to the complaints of wheelspin and Type-2 not being aggressive enough in that environment that we created the T-2R product line.  But again, it comes down to what compromise makes most sense to you.

In your specific case, because you participate in both open track events and autocross, I would probably prefer using the T-2R.  It is easier to make some chassis tweaks to compensate for a little extra initial understeer than it is to cope with insufficient traction at corner exit.  At least, that would be the approach I would take.  Best of luck!